  • info@growingkings.org
  • (205) 417-2478



Growing Kings recognizes the critical role that mentors play in shaping the lives of young individuals and believes that every child deserves a supportive and empowering mentor figure. Through this ambitious campaign, Growing Kings seeks to expand its network of mentors and amplify its impact, creating a brighter future for the youth in the Birmingham community.

Father’s Day, celebrated this year on June 16th, is an ideal occasion to launch this campaign, as it serves as a powerful reminder of the positive influence that fathers, father figures, and mentors have in the lives of young children. With 85% of program participants being raised in single-parent households, the organization recognizes the importance to emphasize the impact positive male role models can have on a young person’s life.

Becoming a mentor with Growing Kings offers a rewarding experience, allowing individuals to forge meaningful connections, instill confidence, and impart valuable life skills on young boys. Growing Kings mentors receive comprehensive training, ongoing support, and resources to ensure a successful and fulfilling mentoring journey.

Growing Kings invites all interested individuals who are passionate about making a difference to sign up. By becoming a mentor, you can play a vital role in transforming the lives of young boys and fostering positive change in our community.

To learn more about the campaign and to sign up as a mentor, visit www.GrowingKings.org/mentor or reach out to Quamauri Hardy, Advocacy and Outreach Manager, by emailing quamauri.hardy@growingkings.org.

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